Well....it's been a while since the last post, but Saber's litter didn't do so well. Of the 5 she had only 2 survived :( . There was a stillborn, a peanut, and then one died at a 1 1/2 weeks old for no apparent reason. After the 3 died we started handraising the 2 remaining babies, figuring the problem could either lie with the climate being hot or Saber not doing her job so well. 
The 2 remaining bunnies (both black bucks - Zobi and Disco Ball) are quite the little handsome dudes now! They are soon to be 6 weeks old and have been moved back into the rabbitry where they are loving being around the other rabbits and acting very grown up! Zobi is for sale by the way, he'll be a great little pet or brood buck for anyone interested ;) 
Until later!